Grow Bags for Early Tomatoes

 I've heard so many good things about grow bags that I decided to try them for myself this year.

I wanted them for tomatoes so bought the 5-gallon ones from Walmart. The price was really nice. I had seen some that were pretty expensive and, since this is my first attempt using them, I didn't want to break the bank.

My neighbor used them last year and swears by them. These are heavy thickened bags offer good airflow and they drain easily so you don't get root rot. You get a better root system.

The idea is this. These bags allow you to plan your tomatoes earlier. There are handles on it. You can put the plants out during the day when the sun is out and take full advantage of the weather. In the evenings when the temperature drops or when there's a frost warning, you pick them up with the handles and bring them inside.

In addition, you can move them in your landscape to take full advantage of the sun during the spring and summer. One side of my yard gets full sun in the mornings in the spring but later in the year is fairly shady for most of the day. I'll put my bags there early and later in the year I can move them to a sunnier area.

I don't know about you, but I want my tomatoes early, especially with the prices the way they are now. It's late February here in Ohio and I've started my tomatoes seeds inside. I fully expect to plant them in the grow bags by the end of April and start rotating them outdoors. 

I'm thinking about doing iceberg lettuce in one of the bags. I kept three and gave two to my grandson. I'll update you along the way this year but really, the price is so low you might want to get some and try them for yourself. I'm anxious to get started. 

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