Birdhouse Specs


Specifications for Birdhouses

Once you learn how to build a birdhouse, you'll easily make modifications to design your own unique birdhouse.

               Floor         Depth      Entrance     Diameter       Height 
 Species     of Cavity     of Cavity   above Floor  of Entrance  above Ground
              (inches)     (inches)     (inches)     (inches)      (feet)

Bluebird       5 X 5          8            6           1 1/2         5-10
Chickadee      4 X 4         8-10         6-8          1 1/8         6-15
Titmouse       4 X 4         8-10         6-8          1 1/4         6-15
Nuthatch       4 X 4         8-10         6-8          1 1/4        12-20
Bewick's Wren  4 X 4         6-8          4-6        1 - 1 1/4       6-10  
Carolina Wren  4 X 4         6-8          4-6          1 1/2         6-10
Purple Martin  6 X 6          6            2           2 1/2        10-15

Flycatcher 6 X 6 8-10 6-8 2 8-20
Flicker 7 X 7 16-18 14-16 2 1/2 6-20
Woodpecker 6 X 6 12-15 9-12 2 12-20
Woodpecker 4 X 4 9-12 6-8 1 1/4 6-20
Robin 6 X 8 8 (one or more sides open) 6-15 Barn Swallow 6 X 6 6 (one or more sides open) 8-12 Phoebe 6 X 6 6 (one or more sides open) 8-12 Screech Owl 8 X 8 12-15 9-12 3 10-30 Wood Duck 10 - 18 10-24 12-16 4 10-20

Much thanks goes to the following for the information on building a birdhouse:
Department of Wildlife Conservation 1801 North Lincoln Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73105

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